Video Tutorials
V- Tutorials - Questionnaires
It never ceases to amaze me, the number of people applying for a liquor licnece, forgetting about their prior criminal history.
This quick video explains why it is so important to remember your criminal and bankruptcy history and the consequences of getting this part of a liquor application - wrong.
V - Tutorial - Licence types
In Victoria there are 13 different liquor licences that are available for licencees. You are going to have to find out which one of those 13 you need to operate your licenced premises.
Watch the video to learn more.
V -Tutorial - Restaurants
A brief instructional video on what to consider when establishing or buying a restaurant in Victoria, Australia. Do you want to be one of the 6,000 restaurants in Victoria?
V - Tutorial - Liquor Licensing mistakes 101
Applying for a liquor licence in Victoria, Australia is more complex than just filling out a few forms. Its about knowing the processes, the traps, and what to do. This short V -Tutorial highlights some of the more common pot holes in getting a liquor licence.
V - Tutorial - Operating a successful nightclub
Interview with the owner of the successfully operated Orange Whip in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia. Learn how to operate such a business in a highly regulated market.
History of Liqcon
Rob Steane explains the history of Liqcon and the services that are offered.