Our people and about us
Rob Steane OAM - Founder & Managing Director

Rob is a former Victoria Police Sergeant with extensive experience policing licensed premises. He has been awarded the National, National Police Service, and Dilligent & Ethical Service medals. In 2023, he was awarded an OAM for service to local government and to his local community.
His experience extends to :-
- Advising clients on Council Planning Permit requirements
- Assisting clients in disciplary proceedings and compliance issues related to conducting a licensed business
- Acting for clients at the Victorian Liquor Commission for reviews of liquor applications
- Advising clients for all types of applications at Liquor Control Victoria
Rob has long standing client relationships and contacts in the hospitality industry and is able to bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to his clients, concentrationg on achieving good outcomes in an increasingly regulated environment.
To contact Rob directly, email rob@liqcon.com.au
or phone 1800 547 266 (option 3)
Linda Steane - Director - Course development & on-line assessor

Linda, after a 40 year career with Victoria Police has joined our team as the principal on-line assessor. She is also responsible for on-line course development and enhancement.
Her extensive experience in crime prevention, means she is extremely well placed to provide advice on theft reduction and environmental design principles (CPTED). She has been awarded the National and Dilligent & Ethical Service medals.
Contact Linda directly, email linda@liqcon.com.au
or phone him on 1800 547 266 (option 1)
Karen Street - Senior Licensing Consultant, RTO Compliance Officer and Sessional Trainer

Karen has a background in the hospitality industry spanning numerous years. A degree qualified Learning & Development professional (BA App Sc and Cert IV Training & Assessment). She has worked in some of Melbourne's premier boutique hotels, restaurants, bars & corporate catering.
Through her passion of personal development & assisting others, Karen gained a decade of experience as a Learning & Development professional & Human Resource Consultant in a global organisation. During this time Karen managed the National Corporate RTO.
Contact Karen directly, email karen@liqcon.com.au
or phone her on 1800 547 266 (option 5)
Maggie Yao - Mandarin Trainer

Maggie Yao is a qualified and experienced trainer. Maggie uses a variety of teaching methods to meet clients' needs. Helping our clients fully understand course contents and Victoria's legal requirements for licensees. Maggie is committed to using her knowledge and skills to help Chinese business owners to have a smooth start in opening a licensed business (restaurants, bars, or bottleshops) in Victoria.
Matt Gorman - Consultant Town Planner

Matt has over twenty-five years experience in dealing with planning permits involving licensed premises, for both private clients and councils. Matt lodges and project manages planning permit applications and amendments, as well as providing cost-effective, responsive, professional advice; general documentation (cumulative impact assessments, noise and amenity action plans, reports, letters, car parking demand assessments, existing use rights statements etc); and advocacy for planning permit applications, appeals and related matters.
Contact Matt directly, email info@liquorplan.com.au
or phone him on 1800 547 266 (option 4)
Doug Wooles - Licensing Consultant

Doug is a former Victoria Police Senior Sergeant with extensive experience policing the liquor industry, including managing large-scale licensed events. He was awarded the Police National and Ethical Service medals.
Doug enjoys working with our clients to ensure they receive the best advice, guidance and support available. He is also a qualified trainer and is passionate about sharing his knowledge with people entering the industry.
Contact Doug directly, email doug@liqcon.com.au
or phone him on 1800 547 266 (option 6)

Hai Quach - Consultant Building Surveyor
Hai is a registered Building Surveyor with the Victorian Building Authority. Hai has over 10 year's experience in the building permit process and knows what LCV requires when determining patron capacity reports.
His reports are produced in a manner that LCV accepts and are done with a minimum of delay.
His reports are produced in accordance with the National Construction Code / Building Code of Australia.
We provide expert advice & training to Licensees, operators, & staff of licensed premises within Victoria, Australia.
Our expertise is used by licensees to ensure applications are processed seamleassly and that in the longer term, non-compliance is reduced and attention by the Police and Liquor Control Victoria Inspectors is minimised.
LiqCon, a Registered Training Organisation, (RTO No. 21718) also provides accredited training (both through public and individual courses) in Responsible Serving of Alcohol (both face-to-face & on-line) and New Entrant Training, utilising Victoria's most experienced trainers.
All of our staff have expertise in their own fields, which combine to enable us to offer seamless liquor licensing experiences.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct is intended to indicate to our clients their importance to us as industry professionals.
- We will at all times conduct ourselves in a professional and respectful manner.
- We will not knowingly make any statements that are untrue or misleading in any situation.
- We will not use any information provided by our clients for any purpose other than which they are intended, unless we have obtained written permission.
- We will honour all agreements made in relation to client deliverables and service standards.
- We will not intentionally mislead or make false claims about what our clients will receive from our services.
- We will not give to any client information or advice we know or believe to be misleading.
- We will respect the confidentiality of our clients and will not disclose any information pertaining to them unless authorised to do so. (Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles 2014)