New Entrant Training - (Mandarin)

New Entrant Training -中文授课

Cost: $190.00


维多利亚州赌博和酒类管理委员会(Liquor Control Victoria - LCV)要求新的许可证持有者或被提名的生意经营者,必须在学习并合格完成”酒类经营许可证持有者的第一步“课程后,才能被授予酒类经营许可证。




如有报名或其它方面的问题, 请和我们联系。我们多样化的培训选择,总有一款适合您。

参加本课程培训的人士必须18岁以上。除需自行携带笔等与学习有关的材料,还请携带护照/驾照或与之等同的印有本人照片的证件 -- 本公司不发放证书给没有携带有效证件的学员。

Session Dates & Locations

Date Start End Location Book
27-Feb-25 9:00am 1:00pm Webinar
Webinar conducted via Zoom, ,
中文授课 = Delivered in Mandarin
Book Now

New Entrant Training is the compulsory training course for licensees and nominees building new operations or transferring existing licences within Victoria.

Liquor Control Victoria requires that new Licensees and Nominees MUST complete  New entrant Training before being granted a Liquor Licence. Liquor Consultancy Services delivers New Entrant Training throughout Victoria.

Liquor Consultancy Services offers New Entrant Training en-site at YOUR premises to groups or individuals at a time that suits YOU.

Those people who need to undertake New Entrant Training MAY also need to have completed a Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) course.

For additional information and enrolment information, contact us to discuss our flexible training delivery options.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need advice about the legal side of alcohol licensing please email us or call 1800 547266

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